Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Book Excerpt: Forgotten Memories

She took my greeting as an invitation to step farther into my room. “Your sister let me in. I hope that’s okay. I heard there was a girl my age here and decided to help you unpack.” She motioned to the pile of clothes on my bed. “Looks like we’re tackling the closet first.” She picked up one of my hangers. “Wanna hand me a shirt?”

“Well,” I hesitated. “Uh.” Wow, this is awkward. “Who are you?”

“Oh!” She laughed. “I’m Rosie; I live next door. You’re Jane, right? I think that’s what your sister said.”

I nodded and picked up the notebooks I’d dropped, glad for the slight distraction.

Rosie lifted a shirt off the pile and put it on a hanger, oblivious to my continued discomfort. “Where did you live before you came here?”

I tried to relax as I rearranged my bookshelf, then turned back to her. “We were in a suburb of Minneapolis.”

“Hey!” She spun around to face me, her eyes wide with excitement.

So much for keeping a calm demeanor. This girl is insane.

Rosie giggled at my wary expression, then stepped closer and nodded knowingly. “You're related to LeeLee Johnson, aren't you?”

Forgotten Memories was published November 2011 and is available on Amazon and in the Rivershore Books store.

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