Thursday, June 12, 2014

Publishing: How Long Does It Take?

(Note: This scenario assumes Rivershore is doing everything for your book. The actual timeline would be shorter if fewer services were needed.)

How long until my book is available?

Most authors I've worked with have asked me this question. The short answer: One to three months, depending what's needed. Now I have some follow-up questions.

You've written your book; it's the best version you can make it. 

Have you had it edited by someone else?


All right. Editing takes me three weeks to a month. I'll give you some time to look through my edits and decide which you'd like to keep. 

Time lapsed: 1 month

Are you ready for formatting?


It takes me one to two weeks to format. If you'd like special fonts, scene break designs, or specially formatted chapter titles, we'll take some time to discuss that and come up with pieces you love. (That usually takes about a week.)

When the formatting is done, I'll send you the file. If there are any changes, I'll take care of those for you.

Time lapsed: 2 months

Do you know what you want for a cover?


It takes about a week for me to take the picture you're imagining and create the cover. I'll send it to you for feedback.

Time lapsed: 2 months, 1 week

Does everything look the way you'd like it to?


Now I'll upload the book to CreateSpace (paperback), Lulu (hardcover), and/or the ebook distributors. It will be up to 5 days before the paperback is on Amazon; up to 3 days before the ebook versions are available. Hardcover will be available on Lulu immediately, but it takes another 2 months to appear on Amazon.

Total time lapsed: 2 months, 2 weeks

Are you ready to see your book in print? I'd love to talk to you about it. You're welcome to email me at

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