Friday, August 3, 2012

Grammar Day: You're vs. Your

Grammar is a tricky subject. With all the rules and exceptions, how can a person keep track? I can't answer that, but I can help with little pieces here and there.

Today's Topic: You're vs. Your

These mean two very different things, but I can see how it would be easy to mix them. I do it myself sometimes. When I'm writing quickly. And tired. (It's an easy typo to make.)

Your: This is possessive. The item in question belongs to you, not to me, my aunt, or a friend's grandma.

Your piece of pizza.
I think I saw your sister at the store. 
You're: This literally means 'you are'. It usually refers to an action or state of being.
You're funny.
I know you're still eating, but I'm going to paint you anyway. 
Final Note: If you find yourself wondering which to use, replace it with 'you are'. If it still makes sense, use 'you're'. If it doesn't, use 'your'. If neither make've got the wrong word.
She said you're your cat was dancing. (You are cat? Nah...)
I love to learn; let me know what I'm forgetting!

Have a grammatical question? Email me at to learn the answer--and have your question featured in an upcoming Grammar Day post! I'm here to help and encourage in any way I can.

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